Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Destroyers

"Sorin, look out!"

I feel it, this infinite coldness, pierce my body, seeking only destruction, only rot and cold and to free me from this body. I am shadow and soul, I focus on that, keeping it together as the coldness tries to rend my flesh away from me. Shadow and soul.. the shadow spirit clutches tightly as the other shadow seeks it out from the coldness, seeks to tear that part of me away and my soul and leave my body to freeze, in horror and in coldness and in death.

Then, light, orange-tinted light flooding my senses, warming me, strengthening me, driving the coldness and its shadow away. I reach my blue hands down to my dropped gun, pick it up, aim carefully, and another wave of orange is released, driving the coldness back, showering the ground with gray powder.

"Sorin, are you okay?" Fiwveda looks at me worriedly, her gun dropping to her side.

"Don't worry, Fiwveda, I still have enough Amatsi to protect me. Thank you for that gift, long ago."

She smiles, and comes closer, her gun banging against mine, down at our sides as our lips meet. I look to my right.

"The Ghanfre is departing, Fiwv. I think I shot its shadow out. It may be back, but not for a while."

"You always know how to directly hit the heart, Sorin." Our guns bang together again, and then drop to the ground, rolling down the hill together.

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